Three’s Company is a 80s sitcom television series that aired for eight seasons on ABC from March 15, 1977, to September 18, 1984. The story revolves around three single roommates: Janet Wood (Joyce DeWitt), Chrissy Snow (Suzanne Somers), and Jack Tripper (John Ritter), who all platonically live together in a Santa Monica, California apartment complex owned by Stanley Roper (Norman Fell) and Helen Roper (Audra Lindley).
- John Ritter as John Tripper
- Joyce DeWitt as Janet Wood
- Suzanne Somers as Chrissy Snoe (1977-1981)
- Audra Lindley as Helen Roper (1977-1979)
- Norman Fell as Stanley Roper (1977-1979)
- Richard Kline as Larry Dallas (1978-1984)
- Don Knotts as Ralph Furley (1979-1984)
- Ann Wedgeworth as Lana Shields (1979-1980)
- Jenilee Harrison as Cindt Snow (1980-1982)
- Priscilla Barnes as Terri Alden (1981-1984)
- Brad Blaisdell as Mike the Bartender (1981-1984)
Series Run
- First Telecast: March 15, 1977
- Last Telecast: September 18, 1984
Broadcast History
- March 1977- April 1977, ABC, Thursday 9:30-10:00pm
- August 1977- September 1977, ABC, Thursday 9:30-10:00pm
- September 1977- May 1984, ABC, Tuesday 9:00-9:30pm
- May 1984- September 1984, ABC, Tuesday 8:30-9:00pm
It is based on the British sitcom Man About the House.
The story revolves around three single roommates: Janet Wood (Joyce DeWitt), Chrissy Snow (Suzanne Somers), and Jack Tripper (John Ritter), who all platonically live together in a Santa Monica, California[1] apartment complex owned by Stanley Roper (Norman Fell) and Helen Roper (Audra Lindley). After Norman Fell and Audra Lindley left the series in 1979 for their own sitcom, Don Knotts joined the cast as the roommates’ new building manager, Ralph Furley. Following Somers’s departure in late 1980, Jenilee Harrison joined the cast as Chrissy’s first cousin Cindy Snow, who was soon replaced by Priscilla Barnes as Terri Alden.
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Theme Song
“Three’s Company” by Don Nicholl and Joe Raposo, sung by Ray Charles and Julie Rinker
Threes Company Theme Song Lyrics
Come and knock on our door,
(Come and knock on our door)
We’ve been waiting for you.
(We’ve been waiting for you)
Where the kisses are hers and hers and his
Three’s company too.
Come and dance on our floor,
(Come and dance on our floor)
Take a step that is new.
(Take a step that is new)
We’ve a loveable space that needs your face
Three’s company too.
You’ll see that life is a ball again,
Laughter is calling for you-.
Down at our rendezvous
(Down at our rendezvous)
Three’s company too.
Down at our rendezvous
(Down at our rendezvous)