Dynasty is an 80s television soap opera that aired on ABC from January 12, 1981, to May 11, 1989. The series was produced by Aaron Spelling and revolved around the Carringtons, a wealthy family residing in Denver, Colorado. Dynasty stars John Forsythe as oil magnate Blake Carrington, Linda Evans as his new wife Krystle, and later Joan Collins as his former wife Alexis.
- John Forsythe
- Linda Evans
- Joan Collins
- John James
- Pamela Sue Martin
- Emma Samms
- Al Corley
- Jack Coleman
- Pamela Bellwood
- Bo Hopkins
- Lloyd Bochner
- Gordon Thomson
- Heather Locklear
Series Run
January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989
Broadcast History
The trials and tribulations of two feuding families, the Carringtons and the Colbys, both oil rich families in Denver, Colorado.
More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynasty_(1981_TV_series)
Theme Song and Opening