Night Court is a 80s television sitcom that aired on NBC from January 4, 1984, to May 31, 1992. The setting was the night shift of a Manhattan municipal court presided over by a young, unorthodox judge, Harold “Harry” T. Stone (portrayed by Harry Anderson).
Harry Anderson as Harold T. Stone
Charlie Robinson as Mac Robinson
John Larroquette as Dan Fielding
Markie Post as Christine Sullivan (1985-1992)
Richard Moll as Nostradamus “Bull” Shannon
Marsha Warfield as Roz Russell (1986-1992)
Paula Kelly as Liz Williams (1984)
Selma Diamond as Selma Hacker (1984-1985)
Mike Finneran as Art Fensterman
Denice Kumagai as Quon Lee Robinson (1985-1992)
Series Run
- January 1984- March 1984, NBC, Wednesday 9:30-10:00pm
- May 1984- May 1986, NBC, Thursday 9:30-10:00pm
- June 1986- March 1987, NBC, Thursday 9:30-10:00pm
- March 1987- June 1987, NBC, Wednesday 9:00-9:30pm
- June 1987- July 1987, NBC, Wednesday 9:30-10:00pm
- July 1987- August 1987, NBC, Wednesday 9:00-9:30pm
- August 1987- March 1988, NBC, Thursday 9:30-10:00pm
- March 1988- April 1988, NBC, Friday 9:00-9:30pm
- May 1988- September 1988, NBC, Thursday 9:30-10:00pm
- October 1988- August 1990, NBC, Wednesday 9:00-9:30pm
- September 1990- January 1991, NBC, Friday 9:00-9:30pm
- January 1991- November 1991, NBC, Wednesday 9:00-9:30pm
- December 1991- May 1992, NBC, Sunday 9:30-10:00pm
- May 1992- June 1992, NBC, Wednesday 9:30-10:00pm
Broadcast History
September 1986- February 1990, NBC, Monday 8:00-8:30pm
March 1990, NBC, Saturday 8:00-8:30pm
An eccentric fun-loving judge presides over an urban night court and all the silliness going on there. Judge Harold T. Stone presides over “Night Court”, a court which deals with petty crimes which can be dealt with in a dime-a-dozen manner.
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Theme Song