Moonlighting is a 80s comedy-drama television series that aired on ABC from March 3, 1985, to May 14, 1989. Starring Cybill Shepherd and Bruce Willis as private detectives, and Allyce Beasley as their quirky receptionist, the show was a mixture of drama, comedy, mystery, and romance.
- Cybill Shepherd
- Bruce Willis
- Allyce Beasley
Curtis Armstrong
Series Run
March 3, 1985 – May 14, 1989
Broadcast History
The series revolved around cases investigated by the Blue Moon Detective Agency and its two partners, Madelyn “Maddie” Hayes (Shepherd) and David Addison Jr. (Willis). The show, with a mix of mystery, sharp dialogue, and sexual tension between its leads, introduced Willis to the world and brought Shepherd back into the spotlight after a nearly decade-long absence.
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Theme Song