Hill Street Blues is a 80s serial police procedural television series that aired on NBC in prime-time from January 15, 1981, to May 12, 1987. The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city. The “blues” are the police officers in their blue uniforms.
Daniel J. Travanti as Capt. Frank Furllo
Michael Conrad as Sgt. Phil Estrehaus (1981-1984)
Michael Warren as Officer Bobby Hill
Charles Haid as Officer Andy Renko
Veronica Hamel as Joyce Davenport
Bruce Wietz as Det. Mick Belker
Rene Enriquez as Lt. Ray Calletano
Kiel Martin as Det. Johnny LaRue
Taurean Blacque as Det. Neal Washington
Joe Spano as Sgt./Lt. Henry Goldblume
Betty Thomas as Officer/Sgt. Lucille Bates
John Cypher as Chief Fletcher P. Daniels
Series Run
First Telecast: January 15, 1981
Last Telecast: May 19, 1987
Broadcast History
January 1981, NBC, Thursday/Saturday 10:00-11:00pm
January 1981- April 1981, NBC, Saturday 10:00-11:00pm
April 1981- August 1981, NBC, Tuesday 9:00-10:00pm
October 1981- November 1981, NBC, Thursday 10:00-11:00pm
December 1986- February 1987, NBC, Tuesday 9:00-10:00pm
March 1987- May 1987, NBC, Tuesday 10:00-10:00
The show chronicles the lives of the staff of a single police station located on Hill Street in an unnamed large city. The “blues” are the police officers in their blue uniforms. In its debut season, the series won eight Emmy Awards.
More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_Street_Blues
Theme Song
“Hill Street Blues” by Mike Post